Saddle Making at Spokane Falls Community College

Verlane DeGrange

Spokane Falls Community College

Course Description:


R * B = P


In Beginning Algebra we teach that if you want to find a percentage of some quantity, you need to multiply the rate by the base quantity.  This formula is very generic and takes on many forms in practical applications.  The actual application of this and manipulation of this formula are what can be worked on in the math class.


In life, if you understand this relationship, it can be applied in multiple formats.  For example:


ü      To calculate the selling price of an object, we calculate the markup on the wholesale price.  Markup is a percentage of the wholesale price.

ü      To calculate the cost of an item using the selling price, we subtract the margin from the selling price to get the cost.  Margin is a percentage of the selling price.

ü      To calculate interest on an investment or a loan, we find the interest as a percentage of the principal (amount of the loan or investment).

ü      Calculating the concentration of alcohol in a solution is once again the percentage of the solution that is alcohol.


Algebra will give you a skill; it is up to you to apply it!!